Designing services for involuntary customers

Lowell has a fat number of customer interactions daily, with more than 600,000 customers engaging every year. And the majority of these customers thinks “Best service is no service” when it comes to Lowell’s service for them: Debt recovery. Lowell doesn’t always provide this service for themselves. In Nordics and all of Europe, Lowell is the second biggest credit management organization, helping other companies claim their credits to individuals and businesses. The services Lowell provides to these two groups alone makes things interesting to begin. This interest turned into something and people wanted me to talk all about it. So I host an event in our office in Turku, Finland for the Service Design Turku network in October 2019.
The event was named “How to design services for involuntary customers (while keeping the voluntary clients happy)?”. Besides the topic, we talked about the pros and cons of being the sole designer in an organization of ∼1000 employees; how I am getting support from my colleagues, and how it feels being one of the two non-Finnish employees in the Finland office. It was a fun event with +30 attendance.